Drunk Driving News

"Prison taught him the false smile, the rubbed hand of hypocrisy, the fawning, greased obsequious leer".

Thursday, August 22, 2013

CCN reporter arrested on DUI charge for .06 blood alcohol level

CalCoastNews reporter and co-founder Karen Velie was taken into custody on Aug. 13 after a San Luis Obispo police officer arrested her on suspicion of driving under the influence. Officer Josh Walsh placed Velie under arrest after her blood alcohol test showed a .06. California’s drunk driving laws require an arrest if a driver has a .08 alcohol level.
The arrest comes during CalCoastNews investigations into activities at CAPSLO, the county’s nonprofit that serves homeless persons as well as wrongdoing over the handling of hazardous wastes.
Walsh said at the time of the arrest that he would have arrested her even if she had a blood alcohol level of as little as .01, Velie said. California law prohibits driving while intoxicated no matter what the blood alcohol level.
At the time of the arrest, Velie had just finished teaching a bridge class at a San Luis Obispo restaurant.
Twenty-four people attended the class, several of whom saw Velie minutes before the traffic stop. After the arrest, Velie spoke to the majority of the class members, all of whom said she was clearly not intoxicated.
“I only saw her have one glass of wine and she looked fine,” said San Luis Obispo attorney Stew Jenkins. “She did not appear to be under the influence at all.”https://calcoastnews.com/2013/08/ccn-reporter-arrested-on-dui-charge-foe-blood-alcohol-level/

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